One of my bad habits is failing to see God when circumstances don't live up to my expectations. In fact, I am often blinded by my sense of entitlement to happiness and "good things". Instead of looking for God, I whine and complain or look for God in the wrong places.
A Hungarian friend demonstrated a better way for me early one Saturday. Showing
up for an appointment on the wrong day did not frustrate him. Rather he began
to cast his gaze to and fro around the room causing me to ask what he was
doing. His response, "I am looking for God!" After determining that
he must have been sent to encourage and pray for me, he encouraged, prayed and
went on his way. He looked for God and found purpose in the unexpected.
The patriarch, Joseph, learned this lesson as well. His journey was filled with
not only the unexpected but the downright difficult. Yet in the end he found
God and His purposes as he told his brothers,
You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20)
This week's unexpected and unwanted events in my life offer the opportunity to stop and look for Him, then respond to His purposes. Will you join me in looking for Him? He is there!!!
Sharing the journey with you,
Bob Snyder